Board of Fisheries 2023

The Board of Fisheries Statewide Finfish and Supplemental Issues Meeting was held March 10th-14th. KRSA opposed several proposals which, if passed, would have prohibited and add restricted personal use and subsistence fisheries.

In spite of hundreds of written comments and compelling in-person testimony in opposition, including comments delivered by Shannon Martin, KRSA Executive Director and Mark Spencer, KRSA Board Member, the Board passed Proposal 165 (with amended language). Proposal 165 prohibits compensation for guide services in subsistence fisheries. Alaska residents can no longer pay a guide to take them fishing in subsistence fisheries Statewide.

Proposals 163, 164, 166, and 167 failed unanimously.

A full summary of actions taken at the meeting is available on the ADF&G website.

The Board also considered three emergency petitions seeking to allow a commercial set gillnet fishery in Cook Inlet in 2023, despite the preseason forecast projecting failure to meet late-run Kenai king salmon escapement goals. These petitions were rejected.

We thank the Board of Fisheries for their service. KRSA will continue to promote fishing opportunities & access and advocate for sustainable fisheries in Alaska.