Youth Fishing Pond

KRSA hosts the Youth Fishing Pond at the Kenai Peninsula Sport, Rec & Trade Show each spring. The Youth Fishing Pond is the ONLY fishing pond of its kind in the state of Alaska. KRSA coordinates with Alaska Department of Fish & Game to stock the pond with approximately 700 hatchery rainbow trout of catchable size for this activity.

Throughout the three-day show, KRSA volunteers and ADF&G staff carefully monitor the pond, ensuring the fish are handled correctly and the water stays fully oxygenated. They also teach the youth anglers how to catch one of these beautiful rainbows with gear provided at no cost. When a child catches a fish they can decide to keep it or release it back into the pond. After the show ends, all remaining fish (the survivors) are stocked in nearby Sport Lake.

The Youth Fishing Pond is a great way to introduce kids to the joy of fishing—research shows that introduction to fishing before age 12 increases the likelihood of a lifelong activity. This is a unique opportunity which allows children of all ages to experience fishing in a safe environment. And of course, seeing the kids and hearing their excitement is not a bad way to spend a weekend.